St. Andrews 9-Hole Ladies League

  • North 4 Green To Fairway
  • West 9 Green Back To Fairway.bunker
  • SA 9 Green Back To Fairway3
  • Outside High Tops
  • West Pavilion Water.putting Green
Register by filling out the registration envelope provided in the League box in the boardroom at St. Andrews. Dues payment can be made by cash, check or Venmo. If you choose to pay by Venmo you must still fill out the registration envelope and place it in the black lock box. *To be eligible to play in the league, golfers must have an active GHIN number. See the front desk at St. Andrews to pay the GHIN fee.
League Dues: $25
We play on Thursday Mornings, April 4-October 10, 2024

This is a 9-hole league for golfers of all skill levels. We are a friendly, fun league with many golf events. You will find that the main intention of our league is to have a good time and build friendships. There are fun weekly competitions designed for both the high and low handicap players, such as: fewest putts, most 5’s, guess your score, etc. Winners will receive gift cards to spend at the pro shop for green fees, merchandise, practice balls or to spend at the grill for food and beverage.

We have a shotgun tournament in June and President’s Cup Championship play in August. Join us for monthly luncheons/events throughout the season. The food is always great and socializing with other women golfers is the best! We will input your weekly score into the GHIN system.

Questions? Contact our League President: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Golf Pro Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (913) 890-1650
If you need to cancel or want to be added to play for the week, please contact the Pro Shop at (913) 890-1650 to make adjustments.
Once pairings are distributed through the email, changes are only made by St. Andrews Pro Shop staff.
Join our e-club to receive special notifications, including announcements when leagues open for registration.
Please note that participant photos taken during league play or banquets may be posted on the Overland Park Golf website or our Facebook page
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